Our mission

Our Mission

The Volunteer Bureau of Montreal (VBM) promotes volunteerism among Montrealers and reinforces the practice of volunteerism within the organizations in its territory. It supports Meals on Wheels and Community Meals on Wheels services affiliated with its network.

VBM's Main Services:

  • Recruitment and orientation of volunteers (a service reserved for Members only)
  • Training programme primarily for volunteer resources managers
  • Presentations on volunteering (“Volunteering 101” for companies, educational institutions, etc.)
  • Organization of volunteer fairs
  • Liaison service for a network of close to 60 Meals on Wheels and Community Meals on   Wheels organizations, the health care community, its beneficiaries and Volunteer Food Services of Montreal
  • Consultation service and documentation centre
  • Group volunteering
  • Matching service for volunteers from the business community and NPOs (Skills Volunteering)

© Caroline Perron Photographies - 2018

VBM Coordinates:

2330 rue Notre Dame Ouest, bureau 400,
Montréal, QC H3J 2N4

Phone: 514.842.3351
Fax: 514.842.8977


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